Our Story
The Healthy Campaign Story

Healthy Campaign was founded by Margie Roswell, a nutrition educator and progressive activist. Her goal is to bring to life her vision of healthy eating as the norm in every progressive campaign, supporting campaign workers’ wellbeing and fueling political victories.
Over decades of volunteering for a variety of political campaigns, Margie witnessed exhausted staff and volunteers cramming donuts, pizza and soda as quick fixes – and finding themselves even more exhausted as a result. This troubling pattern is familiar from many American work environments. Knowing that political campaigns and progressive non-profits are at the frontlines of much-needed political change, Margie wanted to find ways to make it easier for campaigns to offer nutritious foods to candidates, staff, and volunteers.
Healthy Campaign begins with a community of people who share a personal and collective goal of eating real food and becoming healthy as individuals. (We are all on a personal journey!) But Healthy Campaign is not only important for the health and happiness of individuals, it is critical for winning political campaigns and building a powerful progressive movement. We envision a “real food plan” as part of every campaign’s strategy, offices stocked with the simple tools and ingredients that make healthy food preparation quick and easy, delicious recipes that enliven long days, and campaign workers who are nurtured in their change-making work. We hope to grow as a community and find innovative ways to support campaigns and activists around the country who wish to eat real food and change the world.