Eat Real Food And
Change The World.

A campaign full of healthy people is the winning strategy.  Recipes, guides, and tools to grow and prepare for a better future — subscribe for updates!

About Us

Eating Nutritious Food Is a Winning Strategy

We are living and organizing for progress at a critical moment in our country’s history. The question is, how do we build a movement that is powerful and sustainable?

We need activists that take care of themselves and each other. We need healthy people.

The change that we seek starts with all of us placing real value on our health and the long-term sustainability of the movement. We tend to make punishing sacrifices on our bodies believing this is necessary to win.

But the truth is that a campaign full of healthy people is the winning strategy.

Videos and Courses

Learn how to move past harmful systems and transition to lives of resilience, community, beauty, and happiness. 

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Upcoming events and virtual meetings.

Healthy Campaign begins with a community of people who share a personal and collective goal of eating real food and becoming healthy as individuals. We envision a “real food plan” as part of every campaign’s strategy, offices stocked with the simple tools and ingredients that make healthy food preparation quick and easy, delicious recipes that enliven long days, and campaign workers who are nurtured in their change-making work.

The latest from the blog

Good Nutrition is Antiviral - Choosing foods with antiviral properties — and avoiding harmful foods — can help protect ourselves and our communities from the bodily ravages of this virus. This form of prevention and healing needs to be part of our public health messaging during this crisis.

Frequently asked questions

DIY Green contains resources to teach people how to live a more sustainable life. We create webinars, guides, and DIY tools to grow and prepare for a better future.

Climate change is no longer a looming catastrophe — it’s happening right now. And, we must adapt if we are going to survive.  We are teaching people how to grow their own food and build sustainable communities.